
The Principle of Love

Love must be your food..........your medicine........your very breath.........Love is most precious.........No name..no fame....no money can capture its essence......The Atmic wave of love is in every being.........The one that surrenders his I to the atmic principlebecomes the ruler......the king of kings....the teacher of teachers .........He knowslove......nothing else.....and the world declares him to be the perfect Master.........the Master that holds in His Hand the Universe of pure simple love!..........

1. Knowledge is the stream that attempts to understand the principle of love... Love is theprinciple within which all knowledge is contained...

2. The one that tries to seek the beginning and ending of love engages himself in an endless pursuit...

3. Knowledge becomes sweet as one begins to adapt to the love hidden in it as his own nature...

4. There is nothing greater than love in this world...

5. Love is sweetest when you encounter with its nature in the purest form...

6. The one that is attempting to love is only trying to receive the profits associated with it...

7. The nature of pure love is to love more...

8. Love knows no right or wrong. It recognizes no good or bad. It suffers no likes or dislikes. It stands like the mother and embraces all.

9. The highest worship of God is to love...love Him with the love of the Atma...that is continuous and ever-flowing...

10. Any difficulty can be overcome if you remember the one principle...the one to love with the highest love you have ever known...

11. The boundary of love is love itself...

12. There is no end to love... Love is continuous, and so is its bliss... 

13. Think love... Capture the deceit of the selfish thought with love... You shall be victorious in all that you do...

14. Love does not see any limitation... It goes beyond the fragile pains of the body... It goes beyond the painful thoughts of the mind... It is bold... It is ready to bear anything to experience itself... 
